Novels that Make You Think and Feel Deeply

Our Books

Between Fortitude and Folly

Between Fortitude and Folly
(hard cover, 486 pages)

Book cover of When Cities Sink Howling in Ruin

When Cities Sink Howling in Ruin
(hard cover, 502 pages)


Mneme (“Memory”)
A Homeric Mystery
(hard cover, 341 pages)

Book cover of Drain the Marsh

Drain the Marsh
(hard cover, 322 pages)

Book cover of JV A Novel by K. Partridge

(hard cover, 336 pages)

New Persistence Cover

The Persistence of Consciousness
(hard cover, 308 pages)

About Argive Press

Argive Press is a micro-publishing company trying to establish itself.
We champion fiction that is outside of the confines of Big-Publishing. Our aesthetic is as follows:

  • We believe good fiction speaks with a narrative voice custom-made for that specific story.
  • We believe good fiction moves the reader emotionally. And to move the reader emotionally — characters are, if anything, even more important than the plot.
  • We believe dialog is character. Accents and dialects reinforce a character in the reader's mind.
  • We believe life involves both comedy and tragedy. Our comedies contain elements that will wring your heart. Our dramatic books contain elements that will make you laugh.
  • We believe in truth beyond all things. Do not expect unicorns, dragons, cardboard characters that are models of political correctness, nor historical novels that reflect modern sensibilities. There are plenty of such novels elsewhere.

Our books are available through Magers and Quinn Booksellers and other bookstores.
